Transport to start lines & meal fees

Transport to start lines is optional. All buses will leave from the event base at the allotted time.

All meals must be booked in advance.

Event OptionMountain Bike BusRun or Walk Bus
42/43km $40 $25
22km $35 $20
16km $25 $15
7km - $10


If you are doing one of the mountain biking events and are booking the optional event transport to your start line you will have to attend the Friday registration. You will drop off your bike on the Friday when you register, and then on Saturday morning you will park your car at the event base, get on a bus (with your gear, helmet, shoes...etc...) and be taken to your start line, your bike will be waiting for you there.

If you didn't book your transport during your online registration, you can go back into your registration and add the transport item.